tailsonleft.gif (14362 bytes) Anime Picture Page
Page 2
tailsonright.gif (14374 bytes)

tails11s.jpg (3353 bytes) Dark Eggman
tails16s.jpg (3322 bytes) Huh?!?
Tails lookn' tough tails12s.jpg (3613 bytes)
Is he gone? tails17s.jpg (3924 bytes)
tails13s.jpg (3640 bytes) Let's go that way
tails18s.jpg (2330 bytes) Duck for cover
Tails being funny tails14s.jpg (1747 bytes)
Tails sticking around tails19s.jpg (3034 bytes)
tails15s.jpg (3997 bytes) Let's get outta here
tails20s.jpg (3879 bytes) Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles


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